June 20, 2018
How we know journalism is good for democracy
Updated September 2022: This research review has become a critical guide for funders, policymakers, communities, and journalists who care about creating a healthier democracy.
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May 23, 2023
We wanted to make visible what is possible when a funder trusts its partners, and gives them the freedom to dream and, importantly, the resources to act.
January 19, 2022
They are the “green shoots” of news ecosystems, willing to experiment in new projects or help introduce collaboration and new ways of working to legacy organizations.
June 7, 2021
Central to all of these lessons is the understanding that research itself can be an investment in a community.
December 16, 2020
It’s time to put our hope, our dollars, and our support behind the people and solutions that were there all along. It is time to listen.
December 7, 2020
"I love the opportunity to see at scale how they’re answering the question of 'How do I sustain my organization?'"…
October 28, 2020
A young bald eagle flies over Kachemak Bay in southern Alaska. Photo by Andy Morffew used under Creative Commons. Editors’ Note: This is part of an occasional series highlighting…
October 1, 2020
"To us it's more than a journalism site or news site. It's a community."…
August 21, 2020
“The more people feel heard, the more they value our work.”…
July 1, 2020
"Journalists are glad there is somebody on their side when there are so many people trying to tear down journalists or can’t understand the situations that they’re going through."…